Friday, October 24, 2008

notes of encouragement

dear sewing machine,
i know i have been rather neglectful to you...and i am sorry.
it's true, you could really use a proper oiling...a good dusting...and an overall physical by the sewing doctor.
and i p-r-o-m-i-s-e to do all of the above if you will just see me through this one last project.
i know i don't really know what i am doing...and this frustrates you...and sometimes i say not-so-nice words to you...and that hurts your feelings...
BUT please sewing machine, if you can just help me complete this god forsaken monkey costume i will forever give you the attention you so dearly deserve.

dear small ball of stash yarn,
how delighted i was to find you at the bottom of my stash bin! your perfect colour and texture made me squeal with delight. you my treasure, are just the ticket to complete one pair of monkey ears...i think.
you see, you are quite a small ball of yarn. okay, very small. and i need rather big monkey ears. and i am hoping..begging that you can stretch your fibers to give me just the right amount. i know you can do it...i have faith in you tiny ball.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


what does one do on a freezing cold-blustery-could-snow-at-any-minute kind of day?

bake a whole bunch of said cookies
and stare out the window of one's fort reflecting on the warm sunny weather of days gone by...

Friday, October 17, 2008

as said by...hugh

every morning when i open the curtains to hugh's room...rain or shine...
hugh says,
"oh my, what a beautiful day".
and no matter the weather's hard not to agree with him...he just makes it feel...well, beautiful.

yesterday he told me it was time he had another haircut.
"yes" he said {very seriously}, "my hair is bending and it's time to cut"
and so we set off for the barber to help cure hugh's hair of the dreaded 'bends'.

and while every day he certainly brings us delight in his observations of the world...i would have to admit my favourite talks are when we are walking the trail...through the old grove...looking for slugs and sticks. there is something about the great outdoors that will really make a guy open up...
"mommy, do you see that tree?"
"that tree?"
"no, that one."
"oh, that one?"
"no, that one...over there"
"no, there?"
"yes...i think i see it"
"i love that tree...but it can't talk."

as said by...hugh.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

just before the rain

what's better than jumping in leaves?
riding in them...

Monday, October 13, 2008

happy thanksgiving worlsey!

happy thanksgiving!

we are truly thankful for you...and of course mr. m & mr. l.

and geez-oh-pete!
come home already...
we miss you.
xo albert & hugh

Friday, October 10, 2008


this afternoon we took our annual trip to the pumpkin patch...
where hugh fell in love...
from across the field he spied one perfectly 2lb pumpkin...ran to it...swooped it off the cold grass...and proclaimed his love to it. he carried it carefully around the patch...stopping every now and then to snuggle.
what a lucky pumpkin!

we rushed home to carve our pumpkins...not hugh's of course because well, that would be cruel. david's pumpkin turned out dreamy and rather frenchy (thanks to the moustache). my pumpkin turned out...not so great. it kind of reminds me of my passport photo. one eye slightly bigger and a little crossed. a crooked smile. and a tiny strange nose.

speaking of strange noses...
while in the grocery store tonight...waiting for david to check-out...hugh started to grab my face. he stuck his little thumbs up my nose and in his only one volume..10 decimal voice...
he said {yelled}, "mommy, what is in your nose????".
"oh" i blushed, "boogers?"
"no, no mommy. i don't know. it kinda look like cobwebs!"

well, at least he's in the holiday spirit...

Thursday, October 9, 2008

happy dance.

this is our happy dance.
hugh loves to run in wack-a-dog circles as fast as he can until he nearly goes flying off our bed like a drunken sailor... and every once in awhile when life is really feeling grand... i will join him.
and we call it our, "happy dance".
we are happy because i am now oh-boy-oh-boy-oh-ficially out of my 1 st trimester. {good bye mr. pukies!}
we are happy because it's october...and my birthday is coming up!
we are happy because hugh brushed his teeth today.
we are happy because dairy queen has launched it's pumpkin pie blizzard {seriously, that makes us really happy}

and we are happy because sometimes it just feels good to be happy!